St. Luke's Day School
Dress Code
All students are expected to present a neat and clean appearance in keeping with the high standards of students who attend St. Luke’s Parish Day School.
Preschool students must dress in accordance with policy. Please see the Dress Code link for specific guidance.
We have partnered with French Toast to catalog our dress code requirements. The link below shows approved styles. However, uniform items may be purchased from any location.
We have pre-loved uniforms upstairs. Parents are welcome to browse for needed styles and are encouraged to donate any outgrown items.

Dress Code
All students are expected to present a neat and clean appearance in keeping with the high standards of students who attend St. Luke’s Parish Day School.
Preschool students must dress in accordance with policy. Please see the Dress Code link for specific guidance.
French Toast Uniform Store
We have partnered with French Toast to catalog our dress code requirements. The link below shows approved styles. However, uniform items may be purchased from any location.
We have pre-loved uniforms upstairs. Parents are welcome to browse for needed styles and are encouraged to donate any outgrown items.